Well hello there you sexy you, how have you all been doing? In case you haven’t noticed, the site has been silent for the past 9 days. In reality though, I haven’t written anything for more than 3 weeks since I’ve had a lot of posts scheduled to be published in advance. So the posts that you’ve been reading were all written in the past, except for this one. Currently writing this on the 4th of July at 23:45hrs Dubai time. Well, what have I been up to you may ask? A LOT! Let me tell you some of it.
1. WORK.
Ramadan is approaching and a lot of people are planning to go on a holiday before it starts. Many of you may know that during Ramadan, the Muslims tend to stir themselves away from traveling. One logical explanation to that is because they do their fasting, traveling while you’re fasting is not really a very good idea yes? So we’ve had a lot of last minute passengers planning a quick holiday out of Dubai before Ramadan starts (9th or 10th of July). On top of that, people are also planning their holiday for the upcoming Eid which is right after Ramadan (9th or 10th of August). Then there’s the big Eid Holiday on October, then Christmas holiday break for the Christians and New Year’s Day for everyone. Yes, I’m already working on holiday packages for Christmas as early as now.
It really fascinates me though because I am actually looking forward to go to work everyday. I haven’t felt this way for a very long time. I was so burnt out from the previous company that I was working for that it felt to me like I was being tortured every time I was at work then. But now, I’m actually looking forward to it which is actually very good. It’s very rare these days to meet someone who actually enjoys what they do for a living.
I have been receiving a lot of messages from random websites/people asking me if I can contribute some posts on their site. I have done quite a few mostly about living in Dubai and traveling alone or sometimes being a travel agent. It’s fun because I do feel right now that I am no longer a tiny speck in the blogosphere. I think I have gained half an inch from the speck that I was before. LOL.
That shit is addictive! Seriously, it is. I am not a serial “pinner” but just going thru all the things which are posted there takes up most of my time in the evenings. Whenever I tell myself I’m going to go to bed early I knew I was lying. My back is not even flat on the bed and my right thumb is already scrolling thru all of the interesting things pinned on the HUMOUR wall. Are you on pinterest? What’s your username so I can follow you. Mine is, Pinay Flying High.
Another one of my addictions. Specially now that they have started the video postings. Thank goodness I haven’t figured out twitter until now, otherwise I probably wouldn’t be able to sleep at all with all these addictions that I already have.
I’ve been seeing a lot of documentaries lately and two of the best that I’ve seen are:
Bully, a documentary about the alarming rate of bullying on kids in US schools. It’s quite heavy and it will really leave you enraged after watching it.
Central Park Five, a documentary about 5 teenagers who were racially discriminated and were sentenced to prison for a crime they did not commit. After seeing the documentary, I’ve researched about the prosecutor who handled this case and found out that right after this documentary was released, she has been receiving a lot of death threats. Now I’m not saying she deserves it but I just want to know how has she been sleeping at night for all those years knowing that she deliberately put 5 innocent teenagers behind bars for her own personal gain?
If that trailer did not make you curious about this highly addictive show then I don’t know what will.
If I’m not doing any of the above things, I’m out there painting the town red with my equally crazy friends. Basically just having a life outside of work and the comforts of my room. I’ve met a lot of people for the past couple of days who I haven’t seen for a long time. It’s always nice to see a familiar face after months or even years of not seeing them. The gossiping and catching ups are too much to handle for one night sometimes. I’m looking at you A. :p
My life’s boring I know. I bet you were expecting more valid reasons like I don’t know, finding the cure for cancer or global warming? Well, what fascinates me is even if I’ve fallen silent for the past couple of days – the likes, comments and follows on this blog and my Facebook page keep on coming. In fact, I have received my 500th like today on this site. So thank you all for that. I’d buy you all a pizza and beer if I ever meet you in person.
Filed under: Life in the sandpit, Much Ado About Nothing Tagged: bully, central park five, instagram, orphan black, pinterest, ramadan in dubai