It has always surprised me whenever someone recognizes me because of this blog. Never have I imagined that I will become a bit famous because of what I write on here, it never crossed my mind. However, since I started this site – I have randomly met fans of the blog at least thrice. That’s not too many I know but it means a lot to me. They call me “Pinay” or “Pinay Flying High” during the two times that it happened (in a mall and in Dubai metro) and I was truly humbled by the experience.
This time though, I met not only a fan but a fellow blogger. She recognized me during the flight that I recently took from Dubai to Athens which she was taking too as a cabin crew. I was comfortably sitting there minding my own business when she approached me with a complimentary dessert. I did not recognize her because I’m very bad in remembering faces, seriously. I need to at least meet someone thrice before I can remember the face and the name which goes along with it. LOL. So when this lovely lady approached me and told me that I probably don’t remember her, I have tried very hard to remember her face but I couldn’t. I thought she might be my passenger, the blog didn’t even cross my mind. It’s a good thing though that she didn’t leave the awkwardness for a long time, she told me that she follows my blog and I follow hers. I immediately know then who she is.
Her name is Gabby and she’s the writer behind Czech Rambler. She is a cabin crew for Emirates Airline and was on duty during my flight. What are the odds of it huh? We have never met before but I enjoy reading her adventures as a cabin crew. Through her, I have gained some other followers – I’m not really sure why or how but whenever I check my blog statistics, there will always be someone who checked out my blog through her website.
It was a very humbling experience for me as well. Meeting awesome people like her makes my day.
Filed under: Much Ado About Nothing Tagged: blog, bloggers, Travel