In a few days, I’ll be hitting the big and scary Three-Oh but quite frankly it doesn’t feel much different from the past birthdays that I’ve had. They say that that age is usually the turning point of someone’s life but for me, turning 13 and going into the “teenager zone” was much scarier – what with all the acne that I had those days. Lol. My friends told me that I should do something big or crazy on my 30th birthday, stupid suggestions such as bungee jumping or sky diving came up but I bet you know me better – I am not going to voluntarily put myself in a harmful situation. That and because I’m afraid of heights. A friend of mine celebrated her 30th birthday while doing a cross-country backpacking trip in South America, well as much as I’d like to spend my birthday somewhere in the Mediterranean sea sipping a margarita with a harem of cabana boys at my disposal – I don’t have enough days to go on leave. Well in fact, I don’t have days left on my leave bank. So that’s crossed out as well. You see the thing is, age is just a number and since I love celebrating my birthday anyway – I think I’ll just celebrate it the way I know how: FUN! At least I’ll try. My birthday is falling on a weekday so I’ll be celebrating it during that weekend, a Thursday perhaps. Details of which will be disclosed AFTER the celebration.
So 30 huh? That’s quite a long time of existence in this wonderful world. What have I accomplished so far? A lot! My two favorite accomplishments are: 1. being able to travel the world, 23 countries to be exact and 2. being able to live independently and no longer rely on my parental units’ financial assistance. LOL.
I may not be holding a high-ranking position in a huge company but that was never my dream anyway. I have never seen myself as someone else’s boss, grounded and busy with my corporate life. My ultimate goal is to travel the world, that is my passion. Since I am actually capable of doing it, I can already put it in my success list. The second one, well for many of my close friends they probably know that I was a spoiled youngest child. For many years, I was living off my parental units’ money. I’m not very proud of that because it just goes to show how unreliable and irresponsible I was at the time. Well right now, I’m very proud to say that I am no longer that irresponsible, childish grown-up who I used to be. In fact, I have just given a Thailand weekend getaway as a birthday gift to my aunt – all expenses paid by me. It may not be enough as opposed to all of the financial aid she provided for me but hey, that’s a start right?
Now let’s get down to business. For two consecutive years, I have created a birthday wishlist on this blog which both turned out to be a huge success. The birthday wishlist works well both ways, my awesome friends will no longer have a hard time thinking of what they will give me for my birthday and I will get things which I actually like/need. As they say, ask and you shall receive. Now here’s my birthday wishlist for this year:
1. Massage
I prefer to receive it from a professional masseuse (hint: gift card) but if you give a fantastic massage, then I won’t say no to it too. :p
Because I don’t have one and I want to blend something. Fair enough?
3. MAC Rebel lipstick
Because it’s pretty.
4. Travel-related books
The above are just some of the books that I really want to have but I’m not sure if these are available in Dubai. If you’ve got any other recommendations, I’m happy to receive it as well. I’m not really into guide books like Lonely Planet. I like reading actual accounts of a traveler to get me inspired.
5. Issey Miyake’s Les Eaux D’ete
Because my birthday wishlist must always have a perfume in it.
6. Clean on Me by Soap & Glory
Because it’s amazing!
7. Sephora Precision Foundation Brush
Because I want one! Doesn’t really matter what size.
8. Benefit Hoola Bronzer
Again, because I want one.
9. Bikinis!
After I came back from my recent vacation, I’ve put some pairs of my swimwear in a basin full of water with detergent and was planning to wash it the next day by hand. Then I totally forgot about it and remembered only a week later. Needless to say, the design on ALL the bikinis got ruined and it doesn’t really look nice anymore. So now, I need a lot of it! Lots and lots of it until my next beach vacation. I’m a size medium by the way. :p
10. Scented Candles and diffusers
Because I want my house to smell nice and I don’t really care what brand or scent it is.
So there you have it, my 2013 birthday wishlist. I don’t expect to have all but hey, a girl can dream yes?
Happy 30th Birthday To Me!!! More travels to come! Woot woot!
Filed under: Life in the sandpit, Much Ado About Nothing Tagged: 30, 30th birthday, birthday, birthday wishlist, Wishlist