I have taken a break from posting the usual travel-related posts on this site. I have about 15 posts that I have re-scheduled to publish by next week. I also have another collaborated post with the Dubai-based bloggers for 07DEC which until now, I still haven’t started. The contributions of the lovely Dubai-based bloggers are just lying in my mailbox for now, I know I should start working on it but I just haven’t found the time yet. The event that I organized for 22NOV has taken much of my time and energy. I choose not to think much about it while at work as I don’t want it to drive me crazy. It is hard to organize such events, what worries me more though is having unsatisfied people which hopefully will not be the case. The mere fact that this is a charity event and that you are able to help other people while you’re having your meal I think is a great thing. I do hope people share the same opinion as I do.
So for an update, I have the following:
- we now have a photo booth in the restaurant. The background of the photo booth will remind you that you were a part of this charity event for the Yolanda victims. I think it’s great! I can’t wait to see it.
- kids under the age of 5 years eat for free. So bring your tots along.
- I will be putting a cash donation box in the restaurant as well, just in case someone has a kind heart to put some more coins (or even bills) as a donation. Any amount will be much appreciated.
- there’s karaoke in the venue, I expect people to give it a go and unleash the singer among all of us.
As of this very moment, the total count of people who have made a reservation is 79! That’s a total of AED2370.00 donation already which I think is already fantastic! My target though is to raise AED10,000 on this event. Do you think I will make it?
Yes I will if you will help me to promote it. Please please please, share this event.
See you! xxx
Filed under: Life in the sandpit Tagged: fiesta for a cause, how to donate to yolanda victims from dubai, how to help yolanda victims from dubai, yolanda benefit dinner, yolandaph benefit lunch