Have you seen it yet? How did you find it? Have you seen the first two? Did you also think that this last installment was a huge flop compared to the other two? Well, at least that’s what I felt during the first part of the movie. Don’t get me wrong, I am a big fan of the first two movies – well, more on Before Sunrise than Before Sunset. It’s just that, they have managed to get the most untrained actors and actresses on the first part of the movie that it no longer feels like I’m just eavesdropping on someone else’ conversation which is what I loved in the first two movies in the first place. That dinner they had was so scripted I cringed every time that Greek woman was talking (the one with the husband).
Then when they’ve managed to break away from those people, they started having a very domesticated conversation which I actually normally hear from some couples around me. They fight because the woman is overreacting about something which is a result of her own paranoia or selfishness or I don’t know, craziness and then at the end of the movie – they got back together. Big surprise there, NOT! It’s really a big let down for me, I’m not sure how they could have done it better or maybe the storyline (or the conversation in the movie) became so plain and very mediocre that it didn’t pique my interest anymore to eavesdrop on it. It’s not because the first two installments were more on fairy-tale-love-story-magic kind of thing, I mean I can live with the damaged reality of what this third installment tried to show but at least make the conversation a little more interesting. After all, this movie is all about the “conversations”, they have made a whole franchise of this movie out of their eavesdropping-worthy conversations.
It felt really awkward for me in almost the entirety of the movie, first because of the badly selected actors/actresses at the first part of it and second, the couple fighting scene is just too uninteresting. I mean who gives a damn? If I wanted to witness a couple fighting, I could’ve just dropped by one of my married friend’s house unannounced. I think I could’ve liked it more if it ended as a break up for the two of them, now that’s more interesting because seriously, that ending they had was so predictable.
Am I the only one feeling this way? I really really wanted to like it, trust me. I have waited for this movie for a long time as I’ve been really a big fan of the first two movies. I was really looking forward to it and then it was all just a big BLAH! Insights?
Filed under: Much Ado About Nothing Tagged: before midnight review