It’s been quite busy for the past few months at work, being summer/school break and all. The bad thing about that is, while everyone else is going out of the country to explore an exotic Mediterranean or South East Asian destination – you’re stuck at work. More often than not, you are not even allowed to go on a holiday during the holiday season. Why? Because that’s a busy time for this industry and they’d need all the manpower they require during this period. If you’re getting a sub-load ticket like I do (discounted staff tickets) it’s not even a very good idea to travel because you’d definitely get bumped off as the flights will all be full. Of course the airlines will accept those passengers who paid a full fare first as opposed to us, who paid only 10% of the ticket price. So yeah, while the rest of Dubai is having a fantastic time somewhere – we are all stuck here and are bound to take our holidays during the off peak season. The worst part of it all is, my favorite holiday destination is the Mediterranean and the summer season in that area is the same time as Dubai – June to August. It is rather very rare for me to be able to enjoy a perfect Mediterranean weather during my holiday.
That photo right there was taken when I went to Lake Garda in Italy during November. The temperature at the time was 0 degrees celsius which I think even went as cold as -2 in the early morning. Having said that, my ass was frozen the whole time I was there. It was a pity as that place would’ve been really really perfect for a summer holiday.
While we continuously plan great summer holidays for all our clients – we, the travel industry people, are stuck in the summer season in the sandpit trying hard not to melt. Seeing amazing photos from people who are actually out there, exploring the world while the weather is at its best doesn’t help. I think I should just block them off my Facebook list as their photos make me suicidal. I can’t help but reminisce that one very rare chance I got to spend an August in Greece a couple of years back.
Oh well, I hope you’re having a great time wherever you are if you’re having your own holiday right about now.
Filed under: Being a Travel Agent, Life in the sandpit Tagged: mediterranean holiday, summer holidays, summer in dubai